The correlation of websites and B2B Brands
The dynamics of the webbed world in relation to B2B brands:
The first use of the internet was commenced in 1958. The commercial use of the internet began in 1989 (formation of the World Wide Web). With millions of websites around, we are living in the "webbed" world. From professor to the punter, from a non-profit organization to a giant commercial organization, all are keen that people visit their websites. As per Wikipedia, every day the search engine "Google" has received 400 million queries and it dealt with 1300 million images every day.
Do a google search or do a yahoo search has become the part of daily life for a housewife to a researcher. In this information era, customer is information rich and time poor. There is an overload of information which is all pervasive. It does not matter whether it is a B2C or B2B situation. Every individual who is in need of information, be it the mailing address of a company or product information, begins with search engines. Winning on search engine optimization (SEO) seems to have become the major challenge for all who are competing to be the "first" in the race to provide the desired information. In this over-cluttered webbed world, all marketers are struggling continuously to improve their web effectiveness by delivering a meaningful, successful and may be a joyful experience to the visitors of its websites.
Research reveals that only 5 per cent of B2B marketers have realized the potential of online communication through websites. According to experts, view websites would become the most powerful tool for B2B communications.
Understanding Corporate B2B websites’ efficacies:
A B2B website is a gateway between a company and its prospects, customers and other stakeholders. Experts have identified three characteristics to judge website effectiveness. These are informativeness, usability and quality of information.
According to professionals, the ability of the website to make a visitor feel that it has communicated something of value is viewed as one of the most important predictors of website effectiveness. This would happen when a corporate website scores high on all three characteristics. Various authors and experts defined informativeness as the ability of a website to make information available. Usability of information, on the other hand, reduces consumer's search costs by helping to access the information available on a website more efficiently. It is related to users' perceived ability to utilize the information provided by the website. Usability is critical in converting site visitors from lookers to buyers. In other words, usability at a website influences the website effectiveness.
The upcoming facts to increase website traffic:
· Higher the level of perceived informativeness on a corporate website, the higher is the website's effectiveness.
· Higher the level of perceived usability on a corporate website, the higher is the website's effectiveness
· Higher the level of perceived information quality on a corporate website, higher is the website's effectiveness.
STZSoft best website design company in Mumbai responds to the current scenario on websites vis-à-vis corporate B2B branding as a web design and development company in Mumbai, catering website designing services in Mumbai. It is also pioneered in desktop application development companies and highlights strategies on website enhancement and traffic generation in building B2B brands and corporate strategy.
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